sweetlipscigars is a Boutique cigar company located in the city of Houston
Texas. Sweetlipscigars responded to the demand for quality flavored cigars
with exotic flavors for men & women that will surely excite your taste
buds. All sweetlips flavored cigars are sugar tipped for the ultimate taste
and sweetness. Sweetlipscigars It is located at 3932 Old Spanish Trail suite #B, Houston, TX 77021. Our website is at https://www.sweetlipscigars.com/. You can reach out to us via email at sweetlipscigars@gmail.com or on mobile with (832) 831-7131
Michael is the editor of the Cigar Lounge Blog. An avid Cigar lover, he is passionate about the industry. Michael’s claim to fame is his collection of Cigars from 15 different countries. He own’s an Adorini Cabinet Humidor.