Cuba is a popular destination for cigar aficionados who want to enjoy one of the world’s most well-known and celebrated cigars. There are many places in Cuba where you can enjoy a cigar, but these 5 spots will surely be on your list:
1. La Casa Del Habano in Verdado
La Casa Del Habano is a cigar lover’s paradise, offering an extensive selection of cigars from all over the world.
This cigar shop and lounge is a must-visit for any cigar lover in Cuba. It’s one of the largest cigar retailers in the country, with an impressive selection of cigars from all over the world. In addition to its vast array of cigars, La Casa Del Habano also offers a comfortable place to relax and enjoy your smoke.
2. El Morro Cigar Lounge in Havana Vieja
El Morro is a cigar lounge located in the heart of Havana Vieja right on Paseo del Prado. The exterior looks like an old Spanish fort and when you step inside, it’s obvious that they spared no expense in making this place look authentic.
This is one of the most luxurious places to enjoy a stogie in all of Cuba: leather couches, mahogany tables, deep warm colors and antique decor give El Morro Cigar Lounge its charm and character. This well-known cigar lounge is housed in a 16th-century fortress, providing a stunning backdrop for your smoking experience. El Morro offers an impressive selection of cigars as well as drinks and food.
3. Casa de la Amistad in Miramar
Casa de la Amistad is a cigar lounge located in the upscale neighborhood of Miramar. It’s one of the most popular places to enjoy a cigar in Havana, and it’s easy to see why.
This luxurious cigar lounge has everything you could want: an extensive selection of cigars, drinks, food, and a comfortable place to relax. Casa de la Amistad also offers excellent service, making it the perfect spot for an afternoon or evening out with friends. If you’re looking for a luxurious cigar lounge to relax in, look no further than Casa de la Amistad.
4. Cigar Aficionado in Miramar
Cigar Aficionado is a cigar shop and lounge located in the upscale neighborhood of Miramar. It’s one of the most popular places to enjoy a cigar in Havana, and it’s easy to see why.
This luxurious cigar lounge has everything you could want: an extensive selection of cigars, drinks, food, and a comfortable place to relax. Cigar Aficionado also offers excellent service, making it the perfect spot for an afternoon or evening out with friends. If you’re looking for a luxurious cigar lounge to relax in, look no further than Cigar Aficionado.
5. Habanos in Plaza Vieja
Habanos is a cigar shop located in Plaza Vieja, one of the most historic squares in Havana. This small cigar shop offers an excellent selection of cigars and a comfortable place to relax.
If you’re looking for a great cigar shop to visit while you’re in Plaza Vieja, Habanos is definitely worth checking out. It’s one of the oldest cigar shops in Havana, and it has an impressive selection of cigars from all over the world. In addition to its vast array of cigars, Habanos also offers a comfortable place to relax and enjoy your smoke.
Now that you know where to find the best cigars in Cuba, it’s time to start planning your trip! These five destinations are sure to provide an unforgettable smoking experience.
Loves a long walk at the beach while smoking my favorite Cordoba